March 4, 2009


Speed. Traffic whizzing by. Steering wheel? But he didn't have a driver's license, nor did he know how to drive. But he was driving. How was this possible? But it came naturally to him. What was he doing here? Everything seemed unfamiliar. Traffic light. Cop. Don't Stop whatever, happens, the small voice in his head said. He didn't. The cop yelled something, but he stepped on the accelerator of the bage Lexis."Whoa" - voice to his left. He looked over. What is he doing here? "Wassup man!", said Bee. "Yo." said Gary. Woah, Gary was sitting in the back? He didn't really know what to make of all this, so he just decided to go with the flow of things.

Street signs. Wait, I'm in California. I'm supposed to be in college. The Lexis veered around to the nearest freeway. At least I have nice legroom. He smiled to himself.

He stepped out of the car, and looked at the familiar dorm up in front of him. It was good to be back. The journey had been quite the experience, and it felt like years had gone by. As he entered the building, he thought back to the car travelling underwater, and was still surprised that it had worked when they crossed the river. The oxygen from the air conditioner had kept them from suffocating, he guessed, although that didn't make any sense at all.

He walked down the hallway, passing the kitchen on the way to his room. Except - there wasn't a kitchen. It was a room. I guess they did some remodelling while I was gone. Curious, he ambled to the doorway, but stopped just short as inside the room came into his line of sight.

There was a twinge in his heart. He was glued in place. What is going on? As she stood up from the desk, her short-but-not-too-short blonde hair caught the dim light and he felt the twinge again. She started turning around, but stopped abruptly the moment that her eyes locked into his. The twinge turned into a sinking feeling, but he still couldn't put his finger on why. As the first hint of sound, his eyes immediately focused on her lips. His heart sunk further. His eyes were torn between her lips and her blue-but-not-quite-blue eyes. She spoke.

"How could you?", the words barely registered. The sinking feeling started coming into focus like a blurred vision. "After two years, how could you just forget about me?", her voice fell upon him like freezing rain, as he realized the full gravity of what had happened. Of what he had done. His legs felt like jelly. "After all the time, after all the things you said you felt..." her voice trailed off. The twinge that grew into the sinking feeling had now come fully into focus. Intense depression, disappointment, horror. All blended into one.

She was the love of his life. He had lost the love of his life. He woke up.

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